30.04. - 10.05.2015

Open Mon-Sun, 2-9pm

Charbel Samuel Aoun

"...alors on descend..." ; 2015

Installation with wild seasonal plants


Past projects

how possible it is that nature adapts to concrete and human's ways of living?

with changing the vertical orientation of wild seasonal plants the work creates a contradiction in the laws of survival (gravity) to question the human living methods (visitor-context) toward that of nature (the installation).

"...alors on descend" is about setting an outlaw wilderness in an outlaw society.


Charbel Samuel Aoun, born in 1980, holds a master’s degree in architecture (2004). During the following five years he worked as a conceptual designer in several architectural firms in Beirut and explored the fields of audiovisual and theatre. At the same time, he started creating a wild garden, combining hundreds of varieties of plants and trees. Several collectors and institutions such as the Royal Family of Emirates, Raymond Audi, Jean Marc Decrop, Abraham Karabajakian, and the Tate Modern museum collected the artist’s work.

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